Way back in Internet times Marshall Rose divided the tech community into "Goers" and "Doers". The former went to meetings and generally have not a entrapreneural or imaginative gene in their bodies. The latter actually invented, developed, and did useful things.
The basic difference is one of self-definition. Somebody like Marshall T. Rose defines himself in terms of accomplishments: "the father of ISODE" or "a leader in the development of SNMP." Others, however, define themselves by position: "head of a working group" or "member of the ACM."

Curriculum vitae

Una rete familiare: la rete stradale

Una rete dati: la rete locale del Comune di Pisa

Un'altra rete: la rete autostradale

Un'altra rete dati: quella del GARR

Vulnerabilità Internet Explorer (da secunia.com)

Vulnerabilità browsers Mozilla (da secunia.com)

Servizio antibufala (a cura di Paolo Attivissimo)

Sessione Dottorato

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