Database contents

The content of the R-GMA database, concerning Network Services, is represented by a collection of measuremnts, commonly called observations.

Observations fall into different categories, each representing a characteristic of the Network Service.

For instance, a characteristic is the round trip delay measured between two monitoring hosts.

There is presently much effort on designing a standard representation for these characteristics, much like has been done in the Internet with the MIB specifications.

This standardization is mandatory to guarantee the usability of database contents by developed separately applications: the GGF organizion works in this direction.

During last GGF meeting (number 7, Tokio), the working group about network monitoring schema definition was presented with the problem of characterizing wireless links and devices: the chair's answer was at best vague.

There might be some work for a group tah focuses on wireless networks.


GlueDomains architecture

up: Seminar May 16, 2003
