Second International Workshop on
September 27th, 1999
Paris (France)

The ongoing improvements in hardware design, the increase in networking and the use of the internet, and the expansion of the personal computer market have all contributed to the demand for rapidly constructed reliable yet adaptable software. The recent paradigm shift in computing from stand-alone to distributed computer systems requires new conceptual models for computing. To meet these demands, the next generation of software will need to be reliably constructed using multiparadigm and multilingual components possibly distributed over a network of computers.

Computational logic has already made a real contribution to the design and development of large software systems. For example, logic programming is actively being used in semantic-based analysis and program code manipulation, either for the tool or for the software to be processed. New advances in logic are enabling the direct expression of coordination and concurrency together with various forms of abstraction. Moreover, facilities such as dynamic memory management, secure pointer manipulation, and compilation to architecture independent code needed for the development of networking tools have already developed for logic programming and other declarative paradigms.

This workshop will focus on investigating and promoting the use of computational logic for developing component-based computer systems, and will emphasize practical solutions to problems inherent in developing large and complex computer systems.