
Introspection-based Context Agent Injection

Work developed during an internship at IBM Zurich Research Lab. More info can be found here.

Virtual machine Integrity Measurement System (VIMS)

VIMS is a framework based upon virtualization technology for the attestation of the integrity of a remote system that considers not only the configuration of the system to be attested but also its current behaviour. VIMS runs two virtual machines on a system to be attested, i.e. the Client VM and the Assurance VM. The Assurance VM is a shadow machine that exploits virtual machine introspection to apply a set of consistency checks on the configuration of the Client VM and on the software it currently runs to remotely attest its integrity. Joint work with Diego Cilea, Fabrizio Baiardi and Enel SpA.


PsycoTrace is a virtualization-based monitoring system that protects a process P from attacks that alter the process self as specified by the program source code. Joint work with Dario Maggiari and Francesco Tamberi and Fabrizio Baiardi. More info can be found here.

Virtual Interacting Network CommunIty (Vinci)

Vinci is a software architecture to share in a secure way a private infrastructure. Joint work with Fabrizio Baiardi. More info can be found here


Xen VMI is a host intrusion detection system that exploits virtual machine introspection to check the integrity of a kernel running inside a virtual machine. Joint work with Fabio Campisi and Fabrizio Baiardi. The source code for the introspection functions can be found here

Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining Library (PPDDM-Lib)

PPDDM-Lib is an open source ANSI C/C++ library of functions and protocols useful to exchange sensible information while computing Data Mining Models from several servers. The OpenSSL Toolkit is required. Joint work with Maurizio Atzori, developed at ISTI-CNR, Pisa. Here is the source code.

Dark Medieval Labyrinth

Dark Medieval Labyrinth is an OpenGL 3D game written in C++ that runs on both Windows and Linux. The game together with the editor were developed by me and Francesco Tamberi for our final project of Costruzione di Interfacce course (2003/2004). A short manual, some snapshots and a compiled version for Windows can be found here.