1. Learn Spanish: a free Online Tutorial
     URL: www.studyspanish.com/

2. Chinese Multimedia Tutorial
      URL: www.inform.umd.edu:8080/EdRes/Topic/Huma...-tut/C-tut.html

3. American English as It's Spoken
     URL: http://www.vt.edu:10021/B/bholmber/American.htm

4. Daily English
     URL: http://www.dailyenglish.com

5. Elingua
     URL: http://www.elingua.com/

6.  English Channel: ESL
     URL: http://www.hio.ft.hanze.nl/thar/default.htm

7. The English Listening Lounge
      URL: http://www.EnglishListening.com/

8. English page
     URL: http://englishmentor.com/

9. English Zone
     URL: http://members.home.net/englishzone/index.html

10. English Baby
       URL: http://www.englishbaby.com/

11. English Learner
       URL: http://www.englishlearner.com/

12. Daily Yomiuri: Words in the News
       URL: http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/words/words.htm

13. Easy Web Japanese
       URL: http://www.enteract.com/~sonobe/japan/

14.  Japanese  Language Classes Online
     URL: http://www.georgetown.edu/users/caplanj/index.html

15. Japanese Sign
       URL: http://www2.gol.com/users/xroads/html/japanese_signs.html

16. Japanese Tutor
       URL: http://www.japanesetutor.com/

17. Japanese Writing Tutor
       URL: http://members.aol.com/writejapan/index.htm

18. kanji SITE
     URL: http://kanjisite.tripod.com/

19. Learn Japanese
       URL: http://www.thehaucks.com/learn.html

20. Let's Study japanese
       URL: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Lagoon/6494/index.html

21. Masashi's Japanese Lesson
      URL: http://www.amy.hi-ho.ne.jp/masashi/index2.html

22. Web'n'Wa
      URL: http://www.threeweb.ad.jp/threeweb/jpncntrl/bgnr_hp.html

23. Luokanopettajan koulutus2 sw English Studies A69159 Tutorial 1 2 sw...

URL: wwwedu.oulu.fi/opas/ookl/english.htm
24. Linguistics 300
      URL: www.ling.upenn.edu/~rnoyer/courses/300/
25. Abundantia Verborum
       URL: locutus.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/ling/abundant/av3.htm
26. Lecture notes and interactive courses
 This page contains links to phonetic lecture notes and interactive...
27.LTG software: LT Thistle
      LT Thistle is a parameterizable display engine and editor for diagrams,
allowing the inclusion of interactive diagrams within Web pages....
      URL: www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/software/thistle/
28. The Natural Language Software Registry Homepage
 The Natural Language Software Registry. Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis.     URL:www.dfki.de/lt/registry/sem_and_prag-over.html
29. Página de Español
 Lingüística. Linguistic information in the World.
 URL: pweb.sophia.ac.jp/~a-ruiz/ling.html
30. Langue des Signes
Resources Linguistiques. Langue des Signes. Base de données. ASL Dictionary. SL Dictionary on Psychology.
URL: www.worldnet.fr/~xmd/Linguistique/0Lds.html
31. Natural Language Processing Outline
URL: www.cacs.usl.edu/~manaris/ai-education-r...lp-outline.html
Faculty of Arts German - first year LANG1003 German I.1 (6 credits) This beginners? course in German
language does not require any previous knowledge of...
URL: www.hku.hk/language/germande1.html
33. UGHB97 : Subject : 158-207/307 Chinese Linguistics
34. IT Activity
German Linguistics Tutorial. Department: German. Course: Faculty: Thomas Shannon. URL: itp.berkeley.edu/ITPActivityDatabase/record15.html
36. MENA: Language Resources
URL: www.cc.utah.edu/~jwr9311/MENA/Regional/Languages.html
37. Language and Spatial Cognition
Resources for Language.
URL: www.bu.edu/psych/faculty/charris/lists/s....cognition.html
38. Linguistic Links
 linguistics department home page at the university of...
39. Linguistic Phenomena/Devices
Linguistic Phenomena/Devices. This is a list of some of the lesser known linguistic phenomena and devices used in English writing.
URL: www.csi.uottawa.ca/~kbarker/ling-devices.html
40. Linguistic Web Sites
Linguistics. German Resources The Human Languages Page The Human Resources Page Less Commonly Taught Languages Page Linguist List Linguistics Materials on.
URL: www.music.princeton.edu/chant_html/ling.html
41. Grammar Bytes! Interactive Grammar Review
 Grammar Bytes! Grammar explanations, handouts for teachers and students, and
 Last modified 19-Jan-99 - page size 3K - in English [ Translate ]
42. Interactive grammar
Interactive grammar. A French grammar test. The gender of French nouns. Another French grammar test. Verb
conjugation. A French lesson. Sonja Moore,...
URL: www.courses.has.vcu.edu/smoore/grammaires.html
43. Interactive Grammar Tutorial
Welcome to the Interactive Grammar Tutorial. The purpose of the tutorial is to provide exercises, outside of class, for the student who simply needs the...
URL: www.hsu.edu/dept/eng/tutorial.html
44. Interactive Web Grammar-AID Program - Subject Verb Agreement
Subject Verb Agreement. Working out the Rules. Subjects and Verbs. Compound Subjects and Verbs. Modified
Subjects and Verbs. Collective Nouns as Subjects..
URL: elc.polyu.edu.hk/elsc/Grammar/mainpage/svagreement.htm
45. Interactive Web Grammar-AID Program - Pronoun Agreement
Pronoun Agreement. Guessing Rules. Sorry, it is under construction! Practising Rules. Sorry, it is under construction! Checking Rules. Sorry, it is under..
URL: elc.polyu.edu.hk/elsc/Grammar/mainpage/pagreement.htm
46. Interactive Web Grammar-AID Program - Tense Agreement
Tense Agreement. Guessing Rules. Sorry, it is under construction! Practising Rules. Sorry, it is under construction! Checking Rules. Sorry, it is under...
URL: elc.polyu.edu.hk/elsc/Grammar/mainpage/tagreement.htm
47. Interactive Functional Dependency Grammar
Up: Dependency Grammar homepage Previous: Documentation.
 Functional Dependency Grammar (FDG) parser  for English.
Analysing. Type one or more sentences...
48. AltaVista Linguistics Tutorial Index
      URL: http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&kl=XX&q=linguistics+tutorial

49. AltaVista Interactive Grammar Index

50. A Language learner's Guide
       URL: http://www.micheloud.com/FXM/LA/LA/defin.htm

51. Complete Reference Library
        PORTUGUES Complete Reference Library. Link to research material,
        search dictionaries, translate,..........

52. European mirror - The Human Languages Page
       URL: http://www.bibl.u-szeged.hu/bibl/nyelvek.html

53. License Agreement
       Download Base Dictionary.
       URL: agisoft.agiweb.org/speller/download.html

54. Ronald Swerdfeger - Weekly Speller / Spelling Tutor
       Weekly Speller / Spelling Tutor. Information / What's New: Weekly Speller.
        Letters From Weekly Speller Users. Weekly Speller - Windows 98/95/NT. Download..

       URL: www.datacom.ca/~ron/spell.htm
55. Download Thesaurus, Dictionary, Text Editor, Speller
      Download page for YTS Words Suite (dictionary,
      Thesaurus, Spell Check and Text Editor) and...

      URL: dcalcoda.com/deldown.html
56. Weekly Speller 1.6
57.Weekly Speller v1.7 - TSN Software
       WEEKLY SPELLER 1.7-Windows 98/95/NT &ltAS