Marco Vanneschi is full professor in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa. His research and teaching activity has been developed in the area of Computer Systems Architecture, and in particular High Performance Computing systems, studied at all the different abstraction levels and taking into account several architectural and computational models and their relationships: hardware and firmware architectures and organizations, computational models for parallel computing, high performance platforms, programming tools and environments for the development of parallel and distributed applications, Grid computing. In this area, he has participated to some European projects and he has co-ordinated several national projects, including

He has been member of the official Working Group of MURST (Ministry for University and of Scientific and Technological Research) on High Performance Computing (1996-97). In this context he has coordinated the State-of-the-Art Report on High Performance Computing and the proposal of a National Programme of Research and Education in High Performance Computing.

He has been and is member of several international committees, steering committees and working groups (IFIP, IEEE, EuroPar, ParCo), as well as member of the editorial boards of several international conferences and journals in the area of Parallel Computing and High Performance Computing.

Since 2002, he is the coordinator of the MIUR-FIRB National Project on Grid Computing, ("Enabling Platforms for High Performance Computational Grids Oriented to Scalable Virtual Organisations"), having a cost of 11 M€. Partners of this project are CNR (ISTI Pisa, ISTM Perugia, ICAR Naples), INFN, CNIT and ASI, with the involvement of several University departments.

He is the coordinator of the Special Support Action of the European Community, titled "GridCoord" an ERA Pilot on a co-ordinated Europe-wide initiative in Grid Research, 6th Framework Programme, IST.

He also coordinates the research activity of the Department in some industrial research programmes, notably SAIB (Sema Schlumberger, now Atos Origin) on high-performance frameworks for finance applications.

During the teaching activity he has defined and realized the curricula in Computer Systems Architectures and Parallel and Distributed Architectures, both at the undergraduate and at the PhD levels in Computer Science.

He is author of more than 150 scientific papers published in international journals and conferences, of three books on computer architecture and parallel programming, and he is scientific editor of six international books.