Announcement 2019/20

It’s published the announcement Erasmus + / Erasmus for the academic year 2019/2020, which allows students of the University of Pisa to perform one or more mobility periods abroad for study, thesis and traineeship in the period between 1 June 2019 and September 30, 2020.


The deadline for submitting applications is fixed at 12 pm (noon) of April 19, 2019.


 For information or doubts consult in the order:

  • the Erasmus+ Announcement 2019/2020 (see below)
  • the information on the site ErasmusManager
  • the information on the website of the Erasmus Dep. of Computer Science, including slides presentation in March (see below)
  • if you still have questions send an email to

The Department of Computer Science can assign grants for Traineeship for a total of 40 months.


The Department does not have specific agreements with companies and institutions to carry out Traineeship Erasmus +.

The candidate must be personally interested in finding a place to carry out the traineeship.

It is possible to contact professors of the Degree Course to find out if they have contacts abroad, consult or contact “Agency for support of research traineeship abroad: Erasplus+“, which offers services to payment.


Erasmus+ Announcement 2019/2020 (in italian)


IMPORTANT: students applying for a grant have to include the following information in the online application:

  • for each completed study cycle, the weighted average grade of the passed exams and the final grade, if any;
  • for the current study cycle, the list of passed exams, indicating for each exam the code, the title, the number of credits, and the grade
  • the CV must contain the year of enrolment of the first study cycle

Send an email to <>  with Subject: “ERASMUS: periodo di fruizione desiderato” communicating the period in which you want to start the scholarship (first or second semester) and the deadlines for the application of the selected Partners.


Obligations and additional infos concerning the Erasmus+ announcement 2019/20 (in italian)


Erasmus+ programme presentation slides (April 2019)


Traineeship Proposal Form 2019/20

Module with which the host structure identified by the student declares his willingness to accept the trainee and briefly describes the content and objectives of the traineeship. This form must be attached to the application to attest the contacts made with the foreign structure.


Starting this year, applications must be completed and submitted online only, through the ERASMUS+ Portal:



Undergraduate Degree

At the time of application, be enrolled in the 3rd year and have supported at least 130 credits.

Upon departure:

  • internship for 12 cfu having supported at least 150 cfu;
  • internship for 18 cfu having supported at least 144 cfu.

Master Degrees

There are no specific requirements about.

Criteria for computing the ranking

Average grades obtained in the examinations;

Performance: number of CFUs verbalized before the deadline of the call in relation to the number of credits provided by the regulations;

Knowledge of foreign languages;

Consistency and motivations of the provided study program abroad;

Also the years spent out of course are taken into account;

Priority will be given to applications by students who did not benefit of an ERASMUS scholarship for study and/or placement in the same study cycle.