The topology of the Grid: Communication Monitoring Domains

The second step consists in localizing Communication in a couple of nodes in a graph: implicitely, we bind ourself to consider only point to point Communication.

Each node in our graph might contain many of Storage, Computing and Theodolite Entities: we call these nodes Communication Monitoring Domains.

This representation would therefore abstract from single services, in favor of an aggregated view of the Grid...

...but we must ensure that this abstract representation is consistent with reality.

More explicitely, the Communication available from Domain a to Domain b must be (sufficiently) near to the one available between two Entities A and B located in the domains.

To enforce this statement, we must guarantee that Communication bottlenecks between Storage and Computing Entities are always located in the Internet path between the Theodolites used for measuring Communication.

Next: Example

Previous: The topology of the Grid: Theodolite Services

GGF6 --- October 14-17, 2002
